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Welcome to Your New Directory!

Use groups to organize persons into Small Groups, Bible Studies, Classes, Grades and more. You define your groups for your church’s needs.

Search by name, address, phone, email, children, etc.

Adjust the directory to your needs. Hide fields and data you don’t want to maintain, ensuring your data remains clean and tidy.

Allow users to upload photos on their own, while retaining the ability to approve of those pictures before they go live.

Integrated Map with Directions from Apple or Google Maps

Web App can be added to iOS, Android and Mac.

Granular permissions give you control over every aspect of the directory. Limit group access, ability to update none, some or all of their own information, what contact information is shown on the contact cards, photos, maps, etc.

Mobile or Desktop

Personory seamlessly operates across all devices, whether it’s a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop. Members have the flexibility to choose their preferred device for accessing the directory.

Directory administrators enjoy full control over every aspect of the directory, whether they’re on the go with their mobile phone or working from their desktop computer.

"We didn't know what we were missing out on!"

Directory Map
  • Visually see where people live around you
  • Find your nearest small group location
  • Easily access contact information and contact group leaders through map pop-ups.
Photo Gallery
  • Associate names with faces and vice versa with Personory.
  • Meet someone at church but struggling to recall their name? Simply refer to the photo gallery to view all the pictures on a single page.
  • Choose between Gallery or Thumbnail view options for added convenience.
  • Utilize the gallery feature to facilitate prayers for individuals within your church.
  • Tailor groups to suit your church’s needs. Whether it’s Bible studies, mom’s groups, small groups, life groups, or men’s groups, the possibilities are endless. Give group leaders tailored permissions for their needs.
  • Enhance group organization by labeling individuals with specific roles such as pastors, elders, leaders, deacons, or new members.
  • Control group visibility settings with ease. Whether you prefer public access, limited to certain members, or entirely private, the choice is yours.
  • Simplify group registration processes by enabling participants to sign up effortlessly via scan codes or unique URLs, streamlining the onboarding experience.
Why Choose Us

Self – Service

Members can update their own information, kids information and upload their own picture. Reset their own passwords.


Have as few or as many as you need. Group leaders can be in charge of their own groups.


Personalize your directory with links to your website, livestream page, or sermon recordings.


Add labels on each member card showing which group(s) they participate in.

3rd Party Service Integration